I have the distinct pleasure of introducing you to (in case you have missed out on her awesomeness :) ) the amazetastical Spellbound Nails!! (Yes, I just made up a word!)
Being the lucky girl that I am, I actually won her contest, and was able to pick out two polishes from her line inspired by the game Candyland.
First off, one of my favorite games growing up was CandyLand, so I was super duper excited
Secondly, the colors in her polishes are bright and beautiful!
But that's enough from me, let me just show you them!

On the left is Glitter Me Gumdrops and on the right is Lollipop Princess.
Glitter Me Gumdrops is a multicolored glitter bonanza, whereas Lollipop Princess is more princessly refined with golds and pinks.
Both are amazing!

Here are some bottle shots just to illustrate how fantastic these are.
Below I have shown how I used these. I tried to do these polishes justice, by pairing them with colors that would accentuate all of the glitters that they both possess.

I paired Glitter Me Gumdrops with Tokyo Pearl and Black on Black, both by Sinful Colors.
I loved this color, because it seemed like whatever color was the base, it seemed to show different glitters. It was almost like I was unlocking new secrets from the polish, (which was super fun, because I love secrets! :) )

I paired Lollipop Princess with Sinful Colors' Black on Black and Ruby Ruby.
I also loved this color, because it was a great pairing of glitters in the polish as well as a polish that you could wear to work and would still be professional in my eyes. It wasn't too out there, but it was still done with a bunch of flair, which I love!
If you want to purchase any of her polishes, go to http://www.etsy.com/shop/SpellboundNails
Hope you enjoyed this post (I sure did!)
If you want to ask me anything about it, comment in the comments!
Until next time,