As most people do, I was browsing pages on facebook. Most of the time they are nail related, but sometimes you just need something to make you laugh you know? I stumbled across this page called 9 To 5 LOL, scrolled through the mountains of funny pictures and came across this little gem on the left:
It's really not difficult to do, so I hope you can do it too! :)
That would make my day to see someone recreate my nail work!
That would make my day to see someone recreate my nail work!
Anyways, on to the nailtastics...
To the right are all the items I used.
Step One: Paint all of your nails white. It will serve as a good base coat.
Step Two: Take your favorite clear and paint your thumb nail with it. Do step three before it dries.
Step Three: Place your nail in a shallow bowl filled with the sprinkles, and then make sure they cover the nail adequately. (Shown at right)
Your finished product will be the picture on the left; however you can take it a step further by adding dots to finish the colorful look like the picture on the right!
Hope you enjoyed my brief tutorial!
Until next time,
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